For Career Coaches

Empower Your Coaching With AI

Elevate your clients’ interview preparation with cutting-edge tools designed to enhance practice sessions and feedback quality.

Extensive Practice Opportunities

Provide your clients with unlimited access to AI-driven mock interviews, enabling them to practice extensively and at their own pace. More practice leads to refined storytelling and confidence.

In-Depth STAR Story Review Tools

Access specialized tools to review and provide feedback on your clients’ STAR stories, helping them to articulate their experiences more effectively and stand out in interviews.

Tailored Feedback Mechanism

Utilize AI insights and metrics to provide personalized, constructive feedback. Enhance your coaching sessions with data-driven insights that pinpoint areas of improvement.
How to Become a Career Coach
Tailor your coaching plans to fit the unique needs of each client. Our platform supports a wide range of industries and roles, enabling you to prepare clients for specific interview scenarios.